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After Christmas Cheer

Christmas has come and gone. The holiday season was busy and fun. I enjoyed lunches and brunches with wonderful friends. My husband and I enjoyed beautiful lights when our day came to an end and night took over as we drove from one place to another or home from a friends. As I read Facebook posts, there were prayers needed, commentaries given, pictures posted of laughing children, missing pets and more because reality is; there is always happy and sad days throughout the year, and this year was no exception. Currently, there is the hubbub about Phil Robertson, the ObamaCare, or lack there of. There is the weather many of us struggle to get through, the gray clouds, the snow hindering our driving…or testing our abilities, or the rain that freezes to the pavement making the evening commute a need for patience, talent and luck. There are millions of people who suffered the lost of a loved one, ranging from a newborn who was unable to take more than a breath, to adults that have lived long and happy lives. There were tragedies that filled the days of our police officers, firemen and even the reporters expected to keep their emotions out of their “on the scene” video moments.
Life goes on, whether there is a holiday or not. If you were blessed with only happy days, you were blessed for sure. My wish is that, with the twinkling lights, the presents, the smiles and laughter, we find hope throughout the coming year. Hope that someday the world will come together, not just during the holidays, not just when there is a “cease-fire” dictated by our leaders, and not just when it looks good…but all the time.
Right now it seems so many are outraged because Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty quoted the bible and lives by the words it holds, yet we allow our children to play video games filled with torture, murder and mayhem. And what about the music lyrics that fill their young impressionable ears. Maybe we should be more worried about the mixed messages being sent to our children and less about making sure every sitcom has a gay person, or a gay couple adopting a child. Honestly, I hear more about gay marriages than I hear about solutions on how to save a child being abused or neglected. I don’t see anything wrong with someone who believes in God’s direction for their life. Everyone is so worried about being politically correct that we are shunned if we say “Merry Christmas” these days, not that it stops me. From what I understand, many people come to this country from around the world to save themselves from persecution for their religious beliefs, yet, as soon as someone brings up the bible, all hell breaks loose. I don’t care if someone is gay, a redneck, a tree hugger or politician. I do, however, care if they are a child molester, thief, or an abuser. The network knew who he was when they took on the show, so they shouldn’t have been surprised. It’s not my call on whether he should have been suspended or not, but I can say I’d rather have someone quoting the bible than someone using language that makes the majority of the show a “blipping” contest.
My point is that freedom of speech holds for everyone, not only for those who say what everyone wants to hear, not for just the cute stuff filled with fluff and giggles…but for the hard words some people feel the need to express. I’m sure some people have read my words and said “wow, did she really say that” (this blog included), and though I don’t always agree with someone else’s opinion…I’ll listen regardless because it is the diversity of our words that make us individuals. We live in a new world…one I can barely keep up with myself. Do I like everything that goes on, heck no, but changes come regardless. Fortunately, I can change the channel…whether it’s on the television or some radio station ranting about politicians…I decide what I want to support, ignore or simply throw away. Our culture is becoming very diverse, maybe even described as desensitized, but either way we all have an opinion. If we don’t like it, we are blessed with the ability to tune it out. Everyone has their own opinion and many of them…me included…feel the need to let you know how we feel. So I hope you understand that when you read about something that shocks you, or even angers you and keep in mind, it is only an opinion. My husband and I are very opinionated and not always on the same page I might add, but we still manage to go to bed at night knowing those opinions didn’t change our love for each other.
My concern is more for the ones that do not share their opinion but keep them deep inside. Will they do something unthinkable like going into school to shoot their classmates and teachers, or become the adult that shoots their children, spouse and then themselves leaving a multitude of unanswered questions? What is their story…and how will it end?

The Real Christmas

The other day, I posted my “Christmas Time” blog that talked about shopping and family…or lack of it, yes I was a bit whinny but I use writing as a way to let go of what is weighing on my heart in hopes I can move forward, and I am forever thankful you don’t tar and feather me for some of the things I write about. Now let’s get to the nitty gritty and talk about Christmas.

We all know the real meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ…who loves all of us; gives us hope for today and a promise of tomorrow. Every twinkling light, every hug, every cheek kissed by someone that loves you, every smile and every “I love you” is so important; I love all of it and I would never take away from any of it, but Christmas morning is about Jesus and how God, our Father, gave Him life, so we can have everlasting life. I hope you can set some time aside to thank Him for what He is in your life, the life of your loved ones, and that you believe He is really who He says He is, and that you know He is there for you. If this is not how you feel…I’m here to help you along the way, you need only ask. Maybe “religion” has swayed you away, and I get that. I don’t care either way for organized religion, it’s my relationship with Jesus that I care about. Unfortunately, being a Christian get a bad rap because people have a misconception of what being a Christian is. Yes, I want to share my faith with you, because I love you. And I know without Him, my live would be so much less than it is now. Do bad things happen to me, you bet. Do I argue with my husband…yes. Life isn’t perfect for any of us, but in my times of struggle, He is who I turn too, He listens and cares for each tear I shed. I’d like to quote a statement I feel sums up my Christianity:

When I say “I am a Christian,” I am not shouting that “I am clean living.” I’m whispering “I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven.”

When I say “I am a Christian,” I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I’m weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not holier than thou. I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow!

I’ve posted this before, always hoping someone that does not know Jesus will feel the need and desire to reach out for Him. I hope that helps you understand my passion as well. You only need to ask to receive His good grace and love.

I’d like to wish you all a true Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, and remember, being a Christian is like having a warm blanket around you in the cold, a refreshing drink when you are thirsty, a hand to hold when you are lost and a shoulder to cry on in your darkest days.

Christmas Time

Christmas is here, and the halls are decked with boughs of holly. I love the lights and actually wish people would keep them up all year round, their glitter and shimmer make me smile. Of course, our lives are transformed this time of year when we shop. Are you the type that shops throughout the year, hoping desperately that the person you will be showering the gifts on hasn’t completely changed their taste, their ideas on what to be a collector of, or outgrown that stage of their life…completely? Or are you the one that starts after Thanksgiving and a week before Christmas, has wrapped the last gift, baked the last cookie and sent out the last card? Maybe you are the last minute shopper who could wind up spending more time shopping because you waited too long, and the ideas you had are gone, all you see are shelves decked out with emptiness as desperation hits you and the words of “crap, why did I wait” lingering on your lips. No matter how you shop, Christmas day is almost here. The floors will be dressed in ripped paper, forgotten ribbons and maybe even a kitten or two who are easily entertained by the colorful wrappings you have discarded.

As hard as it is for me, I didn’t go to Washington this year. The price of travel is high, and money doesn’t go as far when the savings have become less than desirable. I will have a quiet Christmas with family here, and that’s okay, because they love me and I love them. But that doesn’t ease the pain of not being with my family. Two of my grandchildren will adorn themselves on Christmas Eve in the pajamas we sent, but I won’t be hugging their soft clothed bodies goodnight…instead I’ll have the picture sent from my daughter’s phone to mine of their smiling faces, and that will have to do. With a childhood background many people only read about, Christmas…as are most holidays…can be tough on me, my emotions layering my sleeves like bricks, weighing me down at times. Before I moved to Colorado, I got through them because I had my sisters, my children and my grandchildren…and who could want for more, not me, that’s for sure. I will buck up and make the most of my Christmas day; I’ll eat, laugh and enjoy everyone I visit with, then surely sleep like a log that night.

Some of you have read my blogs and may wonder why I stay in Colorado when I am clearly tortured by the fact my family is a million miles away, and all I can say is because I love my husband. I have a good life here as I’ve mentioned in prior blogs and Facebook postings. I’m blessed with a husband that puts our lives as his priority and is providing a life for us wherever necessary, and right now that is in Colorado. I can’t leave just because I miss my family…though that seems like an easy solution, my love for my marriage continues to win out. Sitting in the evening laughing together at a show, or having a quiet dinner chat with the soft sounds of Yanni in the background is what spins the reality of life as I know it now. I’ll admit, every time we have an argument, the place I’ll always call home…that being Washington…looks very tempting. But I can’t run from one world to another without knowing the world I leave will be sorely missed. So I live with the torture of knowing I would be welcomed home with open arms, but choose to keep the companionship of my husband and my simple life here in sunny Colorado…though I admit our skies are currently filled with a layer of whitish-gray clouds, a sure sign snow is closing in.

For all of you that are blessed to be surrounded by everyone you love, I have no doubt you feel your blessings ten-fold. For those of us that have family we will miss; I hope the next time you get to visit with them, the missed holiday will be forgotten as you wrap yourself in their love and comfort.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving

Every time I think I don’t have anything to say…that I’m speechless, I find that’s not the case, but I’ll try and keep it short. As you know, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and this time of year is no exception. I feel overwhelmed at times…like I might burst into tears. I don’t think of it as sadness, more that my heart is filled with gratitude and love for what I do have.

But still, memories of family gatherings make me miss my family so much. I miss family members that have passed, miss our times of laughter. All those wonderful gatherings will never be forgotten even though new memories are made. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. There are no expectations for gifts, no commercial aspects to the day. It is filled with good family and friends, lots of laughter and let’s not forget the turkey with all the trimmings.

Though I wish I was home with my siblings, children and grandchildren…it won’t happen this year. Sadness overwhelms at times, but I need to push through it and realize how blessed I am. Everyday I’ve made a post on my Facebook for something I’m thankful for…pretty easy task for sure. I have a loving husband, a warm and cozy home, I have my freedom, I have my children, grandchildren, and the rest of my family. I have wonderful friends, near and far…so I’ve got it all.

I know others have so little, if anything. My prayers go out to them and their families in hopes of a better tomorrow, or at least a hot meal and a warm bed for Thanksgiving and days to come.

I hope to fly home next year…at least that is the plan in my head, fingers crossed I can pull it off. But this year, I’m grateful for the family and friends that are near. My husband won’t be here and he will be missed, but I know he’s having a good time in Michigan, and I’ll never deny him the opportunity to do what he loves…hunting.

I thank God everyday for my abundance of love, my warm home, plenty to eat and safety. If you are blessed with family, you are blessed for sure. If you are able to invite friends, you again are blessed because friends are an extension of your family.

Be safe, eat well, and hug each other…Happy Thanksgiving everyone…xoxo

Creating A Story

I’ve been asked many times, “where do your stories come from?” – and I tell them they come from experiences. I take one piece of my life and spin a tale from there. It may be a small fragment or a haunting memory, but it is still a starting point for a story I create.

Isn’t life simply that…a story? I’ve experienced a lot, so I have a lot of “starts” to create a story from. Old as I am now, I plan to get older and experience even more…hoping to keep it on the happy, happy, happy side of life.

This last book I wrote was driven by an unpleasant memory. It was created from my childhood about molestation. Because of this experience, the remainder of my childhood and young adult life carried the unspeakable shame locked deep inside me. I was in my twenties before I told anyone. It took talking to other family members before I understood it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t something I did. It was my grandfather’s fault, his sinful nature…not mine. But it hovered regardless. After my first confession, I put the situation away in an attempt to heal. My plan in life had been to marry once, have six children and live happily ever after with the white picket fence and all the trimmings. But something went wrong, I didn’t heal; instead I continually made mistakes with the choices of men I invited into my life. As a young woman I picked men that didn’t respect women…because I didn’t respect myself. I didn’t understand what I deserved in life and no one could get inside my head to help fix the turmoil. Though I have beautiful children created from those marriages…multiple marriages there has been…I feel pretty sure I got it right this time. The scars don’t ever leave…they are there forever. My grandfather has long since died. No longer a threat to me or anyone else. It took more years than I care to admit to get past the nightmares. The memories cling but are easier to push out to the sidelines now. When I was a little girl, my grandfather, after rescuing me from neglect, after making me feel safe, ripped that safety away. He left me floating in space with no solid ground. No promise of a safe tomorrow. No promise of a future without scars. I have forgiven him for what happened, but forgiveness does not include forgetting. I can’t really escape what happened, but I feel somewhat “normal” regardless.  And though it carries a lasting affect, I no longer choose to be a victim…I am a survivor.

But what if someone couldn’t survive the traumatic affect of such a thing. What if she still felt the hands touching her skin…making her insides crawl with shame? Would you still love her if you knew she had been victim to such a despicable crime? Would she be different than you, could you see her scars…could you feel her pain? Maybe she is so good at hiding the shame of her memories that even you would be shocked at what she is capable of. And this is how a story is born.

When I think about my life, I realize that chapter, though it felt like an eternity, was only a fragment of time.

So, where do my stories come from…they are spun out of my life, my memories…sometimes these memories are full of laughter and joy, sometimes happiness beyond the stars and other times simply of my pain.