I can’t believe Christmas is around the corner. I’m in Washington at my daughter, Kristin’s, and enjoying every minute, while my husband, Dan, is on our property in Michigan hunting and preparing the land for our future use.
Holiday traditions are a wonderful thing. I raised my children with different activities, and my children are making their own traditions with their children. I’ve enjoyed sitting back and watching this beautiful world around me, surrounding me with smiles, love, and laughter. There are the Christmas cards that come in the mail and are put on display, looking at the Christmas lights with those glasses that change the lights into snowmen or angels…(which I have tried to take a picture of, but it won’t work)
and, of course, shopping – okay, so maybe shopping gets a bit crazy – but it is fun, too. One of my traditions is watching my favorite Christmas movies. However, one, in particular, I never had a desire to see after I watched the trailer prior to its release in 2003. I had so many others that I loved, and that one seemed a bit iffy. It’s called “Love Actually” – but after much coercion from my daughter a few years later, I finally agreed to watch it. One viewing of this movie and it quickly became a favorite. I now own it and watch it every year. Maybe you have too many favorite Christmas movies and don’t need another, but I hope I can persuade you into giving this movie a chance and let me know what you think.
This movie is rated “R” due to language and nudity…but when you look past all of that…once you look into the depth of this movie…I think you will find many layers. Layers of love…new love…old love…real love…and hopeful love. It shows that the language of love has no barriers, no need for words because love can work through the differences and succeed. It’s about wrong love, the heartbreak of love, the hunger for love, and the disappointment of love. It shows that no matter how young a person is, love is as real for someone ten years old as it is for someone three times that age.
It shows temptation and the aftermath it leaves behind. It reveals the insecurity of love and the sometimes frightening attempts of love.
If you watch strictly for the meaning, you won’t be disappointed. It never fails to bring warmth to my heart, and yes, I cry every time I watch it. It makes you appreciate the family and friends you are blessed to spend the holidays with and miss the ones that are far away. It is one of the most beautiful love stories because it is also about the love between people in general. With all the anger, hatred, viciousness we are surrounded by through our media outlets, we need a reminder that “love actually is all around”...we simply just need to look.
Ho-ho-ho…Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday – at least as an adult. It is…
November 24, 2020